ASCA Major Pointed
FoxRest Coolmoor Let Your Hair Down
GCH/ASCA CH Bayouland's Simply Irresistible at Banbury & Agua Vida "Bruno" x Coolmoor Dancer En Pointe with FoxRest "Piqué"
Date of Birth: 06/08/2023 • Black Tri female • Red Factored• Missing P4 • Weight: 35 lbs. • Height: 18 in.
OFA Hips: too young • OFA Elbows: too young• Eyes Cleared October 2022
AKC #: • ASCA #:
CEA: N/N• CD: N/N • DM : N/N • HSF4: N/N • HUU: N/N • MDR1: pending • CMR1: N/N • NCL: N/N• PRA/ PRCD: N/N
Bred by Brittany Klimas, Amy Burnette and Elizabeth Bird • Owned and loved by Brittany Klimas
Jessie James KC RWB under Dr. Albert Bianchi
Amigos ASC RWB to the major under AKC judge Barry Leece
Amigos ASC RWB to the major under PBJ Jeff Rusho
Amigos ASC RWB to the major under AKC judge Monica Stoner
2024 USASA National Specialty 2nd place 9-12 under Mrs. Cathy Daugherty
CASA WB, BOW, BOS over specials for a 3 point major under SBJ Gina Blair
CASA RWB to the major under AKC judge Jean Pero
Amigos ASC RWB under AKC judge Cameron Riegel
Roadrunner ASC RWB to the major under SBJ Ann Atkinson
Lawton Dog Fanciers Association RWB to the major under Mr. Jon Cole
Wyoming ASC RWB under SBJ Clarissa Shank